Woodford County Democrats

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We love to hear from other people interested in politics, government issues, and local groups. We can answer just about any question you have, whether it's about politics and government, running for office locally or statewide, or joining local groups, or organizing your group or neighborhood. Getting to know other Democrats, progressives, and interested people in Woodford County is important to us.

E-mail us at web2024@wcdem.org

If clicking on an e-mail address doesn't work in your browser, just type it into the To: line in your e-mail service. If you're looking for contact information for individual candidates, e-mail us and we can get you in touch.

Postal mail

Correspondence, written questions, and donations by check (made out to "Woodford County Democratic Central Committee") can be mailed to:

Woodford County Democrats
P.O. Box 1051
Metamora IL 61548-1051

Note on older addresses: The old El Paso IL and Secor IL postal addresses are obsolete. If you have an El Paso or Secor address for us, please update your records.
